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Seattle Fine Jewelry Asks, "Why Burn the House Down When You Can Restore It?"

December 4, 2022

How to Help the Earth, One Restored Vintage Jewel at a Time.

Seattle Fine Jewelry, Restored Jewelry, Ring Repair, Restore Vintage Ring, Jeweler's Torch, Ring Polish
The gold in any "brand new" ring is already old. Very old. So are the natural gemstones, even if they were just mined yesterday. Since they formed in the earth ages ago, these precious minerals and elements are never "brand new," ---only newly mined. So we thought, "What if we treat fine jewelry like a fine Victorian mansion. Instead of burning it down to build a new house, restore it lovingly and then offer it up to those who appreciate restored fine craftmanship?" It's good for the earth, and good for your wallet, too.
December 4, 2022
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By Nancy Villaluz September 28, 2022
Basically, you just ask Rose five times and listen for the tone of her barks. She always barks jewelry truth! Who knew cute could be so knowledgeable? "Costume jewelry or fine jewelry, Rose?" Rinse and repeat.
By websitebuilder September 28, 2022
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